Jacks for Jake Schindler

May 6, 2018

Anthony Zinno_Jake Schindler

From under the gun, Jake Schindler opens to 16,000 and the action folds to Anthony Zinno in the big blind, and he calls.

The flop lands Heart 10Club 10Diamond 6 and Zinno checks to Schindler who continues for 13,000. Zinno calls as the Heart 4 rolls off on the turn and Zinno checks again.

Schindler bets 37,000, and Zinno calls before both players check the Diamond 8 on the river.

Zinno reveals his Diamond ASpade K, but it would be Schindler’s Heart JClub J that would earn him the pot.

Jake Schindler – 390,000
Anthony Zinno – 272,000

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