Jake Schindler Doubles Through Ray Qartomy, Qartomy Eliminated, Ben Yu Re-Enters

May 5, 2018

Jake Schindler

Jake Schindler (pictured) found a timely double against Ray Qartomy in a hand that led to Qartomy’s demise.

Picking up the action on a board of Heart 10Heart 6Diamond 4Diamond 3, Schindler shoved from the big blind for 44,500 into a pot of just over that size. Qartomy called with Club 8Heart 8 on the button and trailed the Club 6Club 4 of Schindler.

The Diamond K completed the board and Schindler scooped the double. Qartomy was left with under 10 big blinds and hit the rail soon after.

Level 1 bustout Ben Yu is back in the field and takes a seat to the left of Ali Imsirovic on Table 8.

Jake Schindler – 122,000
Ben Yu – 100,000
Ray Qartomy – Eliminated

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