Jake Schindler Doubles Through Tom Marchese

May 6, 2018

Jake Schindler

From under the gun, Tom Marchese opens to 17,000 and Jake Schindler (pictured) calls in the cutoff as the flop lands Club 8Diamond ASpade 10.

Marchese continues for 15,000 and Schindler calls as the turn falls the Diamond 5. Marchese bets out 60,000, and just as Schindler’s time is about to expire, he calls.

The river is the Heart 9 and Marchese places out a bet of 200,000. Schindler pushes out his last 182,000 to call all-in.

Marchese reveals his Heart AHeart K, but it would be Schindler’s Heart 10Club 10 for a set that would ensure him the double.

Tom Marchese – 1,380,000
Jake Schindler – 568,000

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