Jake Schindler Eliminated in 15th Place ($15,889)

May 3, 2018

Jake Schindler elimination

Jake Schindler (pictured) limps in from under the gun for 3,000 leaving himself just 500 to cap his cards.

The action folds round to Sean Winter in the small blind, and he calls. Jim Collopy checks the big blind, and the dealer spreads a Spade 9Spade 7Diamond 2 flop.

Winter checks, and Collopy bets out 5,000. Schindler tosses in his last 500, and Winter folds.

Schindler: Spade KHeart Q
Collopy: Diamond 9Club 7

With Collopy in the lead, the turn and river of the Spade 5 and Club 4 would see Schindler fall in 15th place for a $15,889 payday.

Jim Collopy – 280,000
Jake Schindler – Eliminated in 15th Place

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