Jake Schindler Exhausts Byron Kaverman Of Three Times Chips

May 5, 2018

Jake Schindler

Maria Ho opens under the gun to 7,000 and Jake Schindler (pictured) calls the cutoff. Byron Kaverman comes in from the big blind and the trio sees a Heart 10Spade 5Heart 2 flop. Kaverman and Ho check leaving Schindler to bet 7,000.

Kaverman swoops in with a check-raise to 24,000 and only Schindler calls. The Heart 6 is dealt and Kaverman checks. Schindler shoves for 67,500 and Kaverman tanks as he is known to do.

Four Action Clock buzzers sound and Kaverman finally mucks his hand while playfully tossing a time chip and Schindler’s stack. Kaverman asks Schindler to show the Spade Q but Schindler pushes his hand into the muck and takes the pot. Kaverman is left with two time chips after the hand.

Jake Schindler – 137,000
Byron Kaverman – 115,000

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