Apr 22, 2024
Photo: Jerry Humphrey
Start of day chip leader Josh Reichard has dropped another pot to his Day 3 nemesis to his left, Jerry Humphrey who is now in contention for the lead that was once Reichard’s.
A bit under 500,000 is in the pot with the completed board reading .
Reichard checks in middle position to Humphrey to his immediate left who bets 310,000. Reichard goes into the tank.
After using two time bank chips, Reikchard folds to send the pot to his neighbor who shows for a rivered flush.
Humphrey is now approaching four million chips, while Reichard is trying to stay above one million.
Jerry Humphrey – 3,850,000 (128 bb)
Josh Reichard – 1,050,000 (35 bb)