Joe McKeehen Doubles Through Stephen Chidwick

May 22, 2018

The action folds to Joe McKeehen in the small blind and he limps in for 8,000 as Stephen Chidwick checks in the big.

McKeehen leads out for 8,000 on the Club JClub 2Diamond A flop and Chidwick calls as the turn lands the Heart K.

McKeehen bets 25,000 and Chidwick calls again as the river lands the Club 8.

McKeehen checks, Chidwick announces he is all in for roughly 200,000, and McKeehen calls or his 130,000 total.

Chidwick tables his Heart 10Club 5, but it would be McKeehen’s Spade AHeart 5 that would ensure him of the double.

Joe McKeehen – 349,000
Stephen Chidwick – 71,000

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