John Hennigan Eliminated by Byron Kaverman

May 2, 2018

John Hennigan

Byron Kaverman opens with a raise to 2,000 from the cutoff and John Hennigan (pictured) calls in the big blind.

The flop lands Heart 5Spade 2Spade 3 and Hennigan checks to Kaverman who bets 1,700. Hennigan check-raises to to 19,900 leaving himself just 500 behind, and after a few moments of thinking, Kaverman puts Hennigan all in. Hennigan obliges, and the cards are revealed.

Hennigan: Club 6Club 5
Kaverman: Heart ADiamond 3

With Hennigan in the lead, the turn of the Heart 10 changes little, but it would be the Spade A on the river that would see him eliminated.

Byron Kaverman – 57,000
John Hennigan – Eliminated

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