Jared Jaffee Folds to Jonathan Little's Five-Bet

May 22, 2018

Jared Jaffee

Stephen Chidwick opens to 11,000 from the cutoff before Jonathan Little three-bet to 38,500 from the small blind.

Jared Jaffee (pictured) uses a time extension button from the big blind before cold four-betting to 94,500 as Chidwick folds.

Little looks at what remains of Jaffee’s stack, and then pushed out a stack of lavender 25,000-denomination chips to amount to a five-bet of 288,500 to put Jaffee to a decision for his remaining 111,000 in chips.

Jaffee goes into the tank and eventually uses two time extension buttons before folding.

Jonathan Little – 695,000
Jared Jaffee – 111,000

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