Joseph Pacheco Goes For Value With Kings

Nov 25, 2023

Joseph Pacheco
Photo:  Joseph Pacheco

Joshua Frazer James three-bets to 10,500 in the hijack before Joseph Pacheco four-bets to 24,500 in early position. Frazer James calls and they go heads-up to a Heart 6Spade 5Spade A flop.

Pacheco continues for 16,000 and Frazer James calls. The turn is the Heart 10 and both players check.

Pacheco leads out for another 19,000 on the Diamond 10 river and Frazer James calls. Pacheco then turns over Heart KDiamond K and Frazer James mucks.

Alex Foxen at the same table is sitting on a stack of nearly 300,000.

Joseph Pacheco- 180,000 (120 bb)
Alex Foxen- 285,000 (190 bb)
Joshua Frazer James- 90,000 (60 bb)

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