Juan Munoz Eliminated in 22nd Place (35,000 MAD / 3,199 EUR)

Sep 29, 2018

Juan Munoz

Hand #1:

The two Spaniards Juan Munoz and Marco Hernandez clash and the latter ends up all in and at risk for 375,000. Hernandez shows Diamond QSpade Q and Munoz has the inferior pocket pair in Heart 7Diamond 7. There is no upset on the board Spade 10Heart 5Heart 2Diamond 6Diamond 4 and Munoz is left with crumbs.

Hand #2:

One hand later, Munoz is in the big blind with around 120,000 behind and Sebastien Boyard in the small blind jams all in. Munoz checks his cards and calls right away.

Juan Munoz: Club AHeart 9
Sebastien Boyard: Diamond AClub 2

Boyard’s inferior kicker becomes vital for the outcome of the hand as he gets there on a X X4c3s2h6s10c] board to send Munoz to the rail in 22nd place.

Marco Hernandez – 800,000
Sebastien Boyard – 520,000
Juan Munoz – Eliminated in 22nd Place (35,000 MAD / 3,199 EUR)

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