Justin Young Eliminated in 11th Place ($19,555)

May 4, 2018

Justin Young elimination

Danny Qutami opens to 10,000 from under the gun before Justin Young (pictured) three-bets the button to 28,000. The action folds round back to Qutami and he moves all in. Young calls for his 115,000 total, and the cards are tabled.

Qutami: Club QSpade Q
Young: Heart AHeart K

With Young at-risk and trailing, the dealer spread a Club 8Spade 6Spade 5Diamond 10Heart 9 board to see the WPT Champions Club winner fall in 11th place for a $19,555 payday.

Danny Qutami – 580,000
Justin Young – Eliminated in 11th Place ($19,555)

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