Keith Morrow *Almost* Busts Joe McKeehen and James Hughes

Feb 4, 2016

Keith Morrow

Keith Morrow (pictured) raises from the cutoff to 165,000, James Hughes moves all in from the button for 640,000, and Joe McKeehen moves all in over the top from the big blind for about 2.5 million. Morrow calls.

Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Keith Morrow:  Heart JClub J
Joe McKeehen:  Club ASpade Q
James Hughes:  Spade 10Heart 10

The board comes Heart 7Heart 5Club 4Heart 6Club 3 — a seven-high straight.

On the turn, Keith Morrow was poised to bust two players in the same hand, but that straight on the board makes it a three-way chopped pot.

Keith Morrow  –  2,750,000  (46 bb)
Joe McKeehen  –  2,550,000  (43 bb)
James Hughes  –  675,000  (11 bb)

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