Kitty Kuo Doubles Through Tom Wheaton

May 22, 2018

The action folds to Tom Wheaton in the small blind, and he raises to 9,000. Kitty Kuo calls in the big blind as the dealer spreads a Spade 3Heart 5Spade 2 flop.

Wheaton continues for 12,000 and Kuo calls before both players check the Spade 9 on the turn.

The river lands the Diamond 4 and Wheaton bets out 25,000. Kuo uses a time extension button before announcing she is all in for 61,500. Wheaton quickly calls and tables his Heart AClub 10 for a wheel.

Kuo reveals her Heart 7Heart 6 for the nut straight, and the double to roughly 170,000 in chips.

Kitty Kuo – 168,000
Tom Wheaton – 50,500

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