Kitty Kuo vs. Stephen Chidwick

May 20, 2018

Kitty Kuo

WPT Champions Club member Jonathan Jaffe raises to 300 from under the gun, Kitty Kuo (pictured) calls from middle position, and Stephen Chidwick three-bets to 1,300 from the cutoff. Jaffe calls, Kuo four-bets to 5,400, Chidwick calls, and Jaffe folds.

The flop comes down Diamond 8Heart 8Spade 2, Kuo bets 4,700, and Chidwick calls.

The turn is the Club 10, Kuo bets 7,000, and Chidwick folds.

Kitty Kuo – 37,000
Stephen Chidwick – 19,800

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