Larry Greenberg vs. Ali Imsirovic

May 20, 2018

Larry Greenberg

WPT Champions Club member Larry Greenberg (pictured) raises to 400 from middle position, Bryan Piccioli calls from the hijack, WPT Champions Club member Tony Dunst calls from the cutoff, and Ali Imsirovic three-bets to 2,100 from the button. Greenberg four-bets to 7,000, Piccioli and Dunst fold, and Imsirovic calls.

The flop comes down Diamond JHeart 8Heart 3, Greenberg bets 3,500, and Imsirovic calls.

The turn is the Heart 6, and both players check.

The river is the Spade 6, Greenberg bets 5,000, and Imsirovic folds.

Larry Greenberg – 37,000
Ali Imsirovic – 12,000

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