Marc Levy Shows a Beauty

Nov 25, 2022

Paul Brar opens to 4,500 from middle position, Marc Levy, Juliet Hegedus, and one other runner call to see the Spade ASpade JClub 3 flop.

Brar continued with a bet of 6,500 and all three of his opponents call. The Heart 9 turn gets four checks and the board completes with a Spade K river.

The action falls to Levy who bets 11,000 and only Brar calls to see the goods. “My first one!” says Levy as he turns over Spade QSpade 10 for a royal flush to take down the pot from Brar.

Mark Levy – 255,000 (178 bb)
Paul Brar – 160,000 (80 bb)

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