Mario Lopez Scoops Three-Way Pot; Derek Yamada Exits

Mar 24, 2024

Mario LopezPhoto: Mario Lopez

Derrick Yamada moves all in preflop, followed by Mario Lopez for less, and then Kat Klassen gets in the mix as well to cover them both. 

Lopez: Spade ASpade Q
Yamada: Heart AHeart 8
Klassen: Diamond ADiamond 9

The runout of Diamond 3Heart 9Club QDiamond QClub 10 gives the win to Lopez with his trip queens for the main pot while Klassen takes the side with her nines and queens, eliminating Yamada. 

Mario Lopez – 180,000 (18 bb)
Kat Klassen – 240,000 (240 bb)
Derrick Yamada – Eliminated 

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