Mario Ripepi Eliminated in 18th Place (€13,000)

Feb 22, 2020

Mario Ripepi

Renato Nowak limps from the middle position and Mario Ripepi jams from the small blind, playing about 600,000. Nowak calls for his 400,000, and the cards are turned up.

Ripepi: Club 5Heart 5
Nowak: Club ASpade 9

The board comes out Spade 6Diamond 10Spade 4Heart AClub 9 and Nowak doubles up.

On the next hand, Ripepi open-shoves for about 180,000 from the cutoff and Rifat Gegic looks him up from the big blind.

Ripepi: Club 9Heart 9
Gegic: Club ASpade J

Ripepi sees a bad turn card again as the Heart KClub KSpade 7Diamond ADiamond 3 board sends him to the rail.

Rifat Gegic – 1,300,000
Renato Nowak – 865,000
Mario Ripepi – eliminated

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