Martijn Gerrits vs. Darren Elias

May 21, 2018

Martijn Gerrits

Martijn Gerrits (pictured) opens the action with a raise to 4,500 from middle position before Darren Elias three-bets next to act in the hijack to 15,000. The action folds back to Gerrits, and he calls.

The flop lands Spade 2Spade 5Club 10 and Gerrits checks to Elias who bets 10,000. Gerrits calls, and then both players check down the Diamond 5 and Club 6 on the turn and river.

Gerrits tables his Spade 4Heart 4 and Elias mucks.

Martijn Gerrits – 138,000
Darren Elias – 120,000

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