Marty Verdegaal Eliminated by Elizabeth Tedder

May 17, 2018

Marti Verdedaal

Marty Verdegaal (pictured) is all in preflop on the hijack, and both Mye Simmavong (cutoff) and Elizabeth Tedder (big blind) call to cover him. The board is dealt Spade 10Club 6Heart 3Club 7Diamond 10 before Tedder bets 5,000 on the river.

Simmavong calls before Tedder flips over Club 5Club 4 for a turned straight. Verdegaal is out with Club KHeart K in the hole, and Simmavong folds his cards. Tedder stacks up 31,500 after the hand, and Simmavong holds 51,100.

Elizabeth Tedder – 31,500 (52 bb)
Mye Simmavong – 51,100 (85 bb)
Marty Verdegaal – Eliminated

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