Marty Verdegaal Eliminated by Richard Saechao

May 18, 2018

Marti Verdedaal

There is over 75,000 in the pot, and the flop reads Club QSpade 7Heart 5 when Marty Verdegaal (pictured) bets 30,000, and Richard Saechao reraises all in. Verdegaal calls all in after thinking for a few moments so the two players table their cards.

Saechao: Heart QSpade Q
Verdegaal: Heart 9Spade 9

Turn and River: Heart JDiamond 10

Verdegaal is eliminated on the hand, and Saechao is now the chip leader with 274,000. The field is now combining at a final table of nine to play out the final minutes of the day.

Richard Saechao – 274,000 (114 bb)
Marty Verdegaal – Eliminated

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