Matt Montgomery Wins WPTDS Fresno ($70,650) - Delmiro Toledo Out 2nd ($47,590)

May 21, 2018

Matt Montgomery

The board reads Club 10Club 7Heart 10Heart 3 when Delmiro Toledo (pictured above right) gets the last of his chips into the middle, and Matt Montgomery (pictured above left) has him covered on the button. The two players then flip over their cards.

Montgomery: Diamond 10Diamond 9
Toledo: Club 9Club 2

River: Heart 4

Toledo is eliminated on the hand in second place, good for $47,590, and that makes Matt Montgomery the WPTDeepStacks Fresno champion. Montgomery takes home the top prize of $70,650, which includes a $3,000 Championship prize package, and he also takes home the WPTDeepStacks trophy.

Congratulations to the newest WPTDeepStacks champion, Matt Montgomery!

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