Mohammad Abu-Hadbah Doubles Thru Curt Kohlberg; Kohlberg Stunned by His Own Mistake

Nov 15, 2017

Mohammad Abu-Hadbah

In the first hand after the break at Table 65, chipleader Curt Kohlberg raises from middle position to 60,000, Mohammad Abu-Hadbah (pictured) reraises from the button to 225,000, and Kohlberg moves all in.

Abu-Hadbah calls all in for 1,341,000 with Spade AHeart A, and Kohlberg turns over Diamond ASpade K. Abu-Hadbah needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Heart 8Diamond 7Spade 4Heart 7Diamond 8, and the pocket aces hold up for Abu-Hadbah to double up into the chip lead.

Mohammad Abu-Hadbah  –  2,746,000  (114 bb)
Curt Kohlberg  –  995,000  (41 bb)

As the dealer is counting down Abu-Hadbah’s stack, Kohlberg repeats to himself, “I miscounted his stack. I miscounted his stack.”

A bit stunned, Kohlberg walks away from the table, going to an unoccupied area about 3-4 tables away, where he paces back and forth a few times. Then Kohlberg leaves the tournament area entirely, heading out of the room.

Kohlberg misses the next hand, but returns in time for the one after that.

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