Nam Le Eliminated in 17th Place ($18,215)

Mar 25, 2019

Nam Le Nam Le

Orlando Barrera limps from under the gun, Eric Baldwin does the same from the button, Brian Yoon completes the small blind and WPT Champions Club member Nam Le (pictured) checks his option.

The flop is Heart 6Diamond 5Club 3, Yoon checks and Le shoves for 300,000. Barrera calls, Baldwin folds and Yoon folds.

Barrera: Spade ADiamond A
Le: Diamond 6Heart 4

Le trails with top pair and an open-ended straight draw against Barrera’s overpair.

The Club 10 and Heart 9 river complete the board, no help to Le, ending his run in 17th place.

Orlando Barrera – 2,200,000
Nam Le – Eliminated in 17th Place ($18,215)

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