Nguyen Long Wakes Up with a Monster

Mar 30, 2022

Junior Buissink open-ships 11,500 from middle position and a call comes from the small blind player. Nguyen Long looks down at his hand and swiftly shoves from the big blind. The small blind dips out and Buissink stands up as he prepares to survive elimination.

Junior Buissink: Spade 4Diamond 4
Nguyen Long: Spade KClub K

The one-sided affair has no change on a Heart QDiamond 7Diamond 3 flop as the cowboys still hold a considerable lead. A Spade 10 turn and Diamond J river puts the nail in the coffin of Buissink who is sent out the door.

Long pulls in the pot and eclipses the six-figure mark for the first time today.

Nguyen Long – 115,000
Junior Buissink – Eliminated

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