Nick Schulman Applies the Heat

May 20, 2018

Nick Schulman

Larry Wright limps from middle position and Nick Schulman (pictured) raises to 700 from the button. Ryan Laplante calls in the small blind, as does Wright.

The flop falls Club 4Club 3Club A and after a Laplante check, Wright leads for 1,150. Schulman calls, and with the action on Laplante, he check-raises to 4,300.

Wright folds, and after a few moments of thought, Schulman bumps it up to 13,150 total.

Laplante goes deep into the tank before he eventually finds a fold and Schulman collects the pot.

Larry Wright – 39,500
Nick Schulman – 36,100
Ryan Laplante – 32,500

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