Nick Schulman Doubles In A Big Way Through Rainer Kempe

May 5, 2018

Nick Schulman

Rainer Kempe opens in the lojack to 7,000 and Nick Schulman (pictured) calls on the button. Aaron Ogus commits chips in the small blind and the flop comes out Heart AClub 5Heart 4. Kempe continues for 12,000 and only Schulman stays in to the Heart 9 turn.

Kempe bets 22,000 more and Schulman raises to 65,000. Kempe calls and the Club Q falls on the river.

Nick Schulman

Kempe checks and Schulman shoves for 150,000, putting Kempe (pictured) to the test for most of his chips. Following the use of three time chips, Kempe shakes his head and calls.

Schulman shows Heart 10Heart 8 for a flush and the set of Kempe Club 4Spade 4 goes into the muck.

The next hand, Kempe doubles his stack of 39,000 with Spade QSpade J against the Diamond AHeart 9 of Ogus when he flops a jack.

Nick Schulman – 465,000
Rainer Kempe – 85,000
Aaron Ogus – 160,000

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