Nick Yunis Eliminated in 39th Place by Jeremy Pepito

Mar 24, 2024

Nick YunisPhoto:  Nick Yunis

Jeremy Pepito raises to 40,000 from the button, Nick Yunis reraises to 92,000 from the small blind (leaving 1,000 behind), and Pepito calls.

The flop is Spade 8Heart 3Diamond 3, Yunis bets his remaining 1,000, and Pepito calls.

Yunis:  Club AHeart 10
Pepito:  Heart KSpade 9

The Club 2 turn and Club K river complete the board, giving Pepito kings and treys to eliminate Yunis in 39th place.

Jeremy Pepito  – 670,000  (56 bb)
Nick Yunis  –  Eliminated in 39th Place  ($8,200)

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