Pajpani Doubles Up and Eliminates a Player

Mar 30, 2018

A full board of Diamond 5Heart JDiamond 8Spade 6Club 4 was out between Rakshi Pajpani and another player, with a third player all-in preflop.

Pajpani moved all in for 16,700 and his opponent tanked, counted out his stack and then called.

Pajpani turned over Club 7Club 8 for a straight and his opponent mucked his hand angrily. The all-in player showed Spade ASpade Q and was eliminated. Pajpani asked whether his opponent’s cards, which were not shown, could be turned over. However, they were irretrievable from the muck.

“What did you have?” asked Pajpani.

“I had a set,” his opponent responded.

Pajpani now sits on a healthy stack of around 60,000.

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