Pedro Idrovo Eliminated by Paul Kuzmich; 24 Players Remain

May 3, 2018

Pedro Idrovo

Mike Vanier raises from under the gun, Paul Kuzmich calls from the hijack, and Pedro Idrovo (pictured) calls from the big blind.

The flop comes down Diamond JSpade 6Heart 2, Idrovo checks, Vanier continues for 4,500, Kuzmich calls, Idrovo check-raises all in for about 33,000, Vanier folds, and Kuzmich calls.

Kuzmich: Heart ASpade J
Idrovo: Club JClub 3

Kuzmich leads with top pair top kicker and holds up through the Diamond 5 turn and Heart 8 river to eliminate Idorovo.

Paul Kuzmich – 325,000
Pedro Idrovo – Eliminated

The players are now redrawing for seats and the Action Clock is being introduced into play.

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