Peter Lockwood Jams from the Small Blind

May 20, 2018

From the cutoff, Ali Imsirovic opens to 700 and then finds calls from Tom Marchese on the button, Peter Lockwood in the small blind, and Jonathan Little in the big.

The flop lands Club 3Club AHeart 2 and both Lockwood and Little check to Imsirovic who continues for 1,000.

Marchese responds with a raise to 3,500 before Lockwood check-raises all-in for roughly 22,000.

Little folds, as does Imsirovic and Marchese, and Lockwood is pushed the pot.

Jonathan Little – 50,000
Tom Marchese – 34,600
Peter Lockwood – 29,800
Ali Imsirovic – 25,050

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