Phil Ortiz Triples Up

May 21, 2018

Phil Ortiz is all in preflop for 120,000 on the hijack, and both Kyle Kirkland (UTG+1) and Delmiro Toledo (big blind) have him covered. The two live players check down a board dealt Heart 6Club 4Spade 2Club ASpade K, and then all three of them flip over their cards.

Ortiz: Club 6Diamond 6
Kirkland: Spade 4Heart 4
Toledo: Diamond 7Spade 6

Ortiz triples up to survive with 445,000, Kirkland holds 540,000, and Toledo holds 810,000 after the dust settles.

Phil Ortiz – 445,000 (14 bb)
Kyle Kirkland – 540,000 (18 bb)
Delmiro Toledo – 810,000 (27 bb)

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