Rafik Yeghnazari Bursts the Bubble

Feb 23, 2017

The under-the-gun players moves all in for 23,000, Rafik Yeghnazari reraises all in for 41,000 from late position, and Mark Zajdner calls from the big blind.

Yeghnazari holds Heart ADiamond A, the other all-in player has Spade KClub K, and Zajdner holds Diamond 4Diamond 5.

The Club QDiamond 10Diamond 8 flop draws a gasp from the crowd, as it gives Zajdner a flush draw, but he does not get there with the Heart 2 on the turn and the Diamond 5 on the river.

Yeghnazari wins the main and side pot to survive and now the remaining 63 players are all guaranteed a payday of CAD $8,176.


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