Ray Qartomy Doubles Through Darren Elias

May 22, 2018

Ray Qartomy_WPT Bobby Baldwin Poker Classic S16_Day 3_Giron_8JG8342

From the button, Ray Qartomy (pictured) opens to about 20,000 and Darren Elias calls in the small blind.

The flop lands Heart JSpade 10Heart 2 and Elias checks to Qartomy who bets 35,000. Elias moves all in and Qartomy makes the call for his 254,000 in chips.

Qartomy: Spade AClub J
Elias: Heart QSpade J

The turn and river land the Spade K and Diamond 4, and Qartomy doubles through.

Ray Qartomy – 550,000
Darren Elias – 600,000

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