Ray Qartomy Eliminated by Andrew Lichtenberger

May 20, 2018

Ray Qartomy

Ray Qartomy (pictured) was all in for his last 1,600 holding Spade AHeart 6 against Andrew Lichtenberger’s Club AClub Q.

The board ran out Heart 3Heart JHeart 2Club KSpade 9 and Qartomy was eliminated.

Speaking to tablemate Jonathan Little, he informed us that Qartomy lost two big pots to leave him so short stacked.

The first saw Qartomy hold X QX Q but lose to Jeffrey Ishbia’s set of fours. The next hand Qartomy rivered his own set but ran into the straight of Ishbia before falling victim to Lichtenberger several hands later.

Jeffrey Ishbia – 44,500
Andrew Lichtenberger – 30,500
Ray Qartomy – Eliminated

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