Renato Nowak Eliminated in 8th Place (€31,000)

Feb 23, 2020

Renato Nowak

Renato Nowak raises 125,000 under-the-gun open with Club ASpade K. Joep van den Bijgaart has Club 10Spade 10 on the button and three-bets to 375,000. Gianluca Speranza lays down pocket-nines in the blinds and the action comes back to Nowak. He calls, leaving 860,000 behind.

The board comes Heart JDiamond 10Heart A and Nowak gets the rest of it all in with top pair, top kicker. van den Bijgaart snap-calls with middle set.

The turn is a Spade Q giving Nowak a broadway straight. The river pairs with a Spade J and van den Bijgaart improves to a full house, sending Nowak to the rail.

Joep van den Bijgaart – 4,600,000
Renato Nowak – eliminated

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