Rob Wazwaz Scores Elimination in Three-Way All-In

Apr 20, 2024

Rob WazwazPhoto: Rob Wazwaz

Rob Wazwaz has just scored an elimination while almost tripling up himself. He broke down the details of the hand for

As told by Wazwaz, he raises to 2,700 and gets three callers in the hijack, small and big blinds.

On the Club 5Spade 4Diamond 3 flop, following checks from the blinds, Wazwaz bets 5,500. The hijack, Ahamd Meman calls, the small blind moves all in, and Wazwaz moves in as well for approximately 30,000, covering the small blind. Meman calls as well with the possibility of scoring a double knockout.

Small Blind: Diamond QDiamond 6
Rob Wazwaz: Diamond 9Spade 9
Ahmad Meman: Spade 3Spade 2

Wazwaz’s nines are ahead of the small blind’s open-ender with a live overcard and Meman’s threes with an open-ender.

The turn brings the Club 9 to give Wazwaz a set that holds up with the Heart Q river.

Rob Wazwaz – 105,000 (87 bb)
Ahmad Meman – 80,000 (66 bb)

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