Ronnie Saephan Triples Up

May 21, 2018

Ronnie Saephan is all in preflop for 520,000 from the small blind, and both Matt Montgomery (big blind) and Delmiro Toledo (button) have him covered. The two live players then check down a board dealt Spade JClub JClub 3Heart 3Diamond K, and then all three players table their cards.

Saephan: Heart KDiamond Q
Montgomery: Diamond ADiamond 5
Toledo: Spade 8Diamond 6

Saephan tripleds up to 1.17 million, Montgomery holds 1.66 million, and Toledo has 2.28 million after the hand.

Ronnie Saephan – 1,170,000 (19 bb)
Matt Montgomery – 1,660,000 (27 bb)
Delmiro Toledo – 2,280,000 (38 bb)

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