Ryan Van Sanford Doubles Through Mike Vanier

May 3, 2018

Ryan Van Sanford

With a raise to 8,000 and call before him, Ryan Van Sanford (pictured) three-bets to 37,500 from the small blind, Mike Vanier four-bets to about 70,000, from the big blind, and action folds back to Van Sanford who uses two Time Chips before he five-bets all in for about 131,000.

Vanier calls with Heart ADiamond A, leading Van Sanford’s Diamond QClub Q.

The board runs out Club JHeart 10Spade 9Diamond 9Spade K, giving Van Sanford a king-high straight to double up.

Ryan Van Sanford – 282,000
Mike Vanier – 75,000

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