Scott Eskenazi Bubbles WPT Bellagio Elite Poker Championship

May 3, 2018

Scott Eskenazi elimination

From under the gun, Daniel Merrilees raises to 6,000 and Scott Eskenazi (pictured above) calls next to act.

The flop lands Heart 10Diamond 10Club 6 and Merrilees bets 5,000. Eskenazi calls, and when the turn lands the Club J Merrilees checks.

Eskenazi bets 8,500 and Merrilees check-raises to 17,000.

Eskenazi calls, and when the river lands the Heart 6, Merrilees bets out a stack of chips amounting to 55,000.

Eskenazi goes into the tank eventually using a time extension button before calling all-in for 33,000.

Merrilees tables his Diamond JSpade 10, and Eskenazi taps the table and pushes his cards to the muck and exits the tournament area in 17th place as the WPT Bellagio Elite Poker Championship bubble boy.

Daniel Merrilees – 330,000
Scott Eskenazi – Eliminated in 17th Place

Scott Eskenazi elimination

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