Scott Eskenazi Doubles Through Byron Kaverman

May 3, 2018

Scott Eskenazi

Allen Pock raises from the hijack, Scott Eskenazi (pictured) calls from the cutoff, Byron Kaverman calls from the button, and Mike Vanier calls from the big blind.

The flop comes down Heart AClub JClub 7, Vanier checks, Pock checks, Eskenazi bets 14,000, Kaverman calls, Vanier folds, and Pock folds.

The turn is the Spade 3, Eskenazi shoves for 33,500, and Kaverman mulls it over briefly before he calls.

Eskenazi: Diamond ASpade A
Kaverman: Club AClub 10

Eskenzai leads with top set against Kaverman’s top pair and flush draw, and the Heart 7 river further improves Eskenazi to a full house to double up.

Scott Eskenazi – 115,000
Byron Kaverman – 27,000

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