Sean Winter Eliminated by Jason Koon, Koon Over 500,000

May 5, 2018

Jason Koon

Jason Koon’s (pictured) hot run in the WPT Bellagio High Roller continues on a new table as Sean Winter is the latest player to fall in his wake.

Ben Yu opened the cutoff to 4,000 and Winter flatted the button. Koon was halfway through unracking his chips and announced a three-bet to 19,000. Yu mucked and Winter moved all-in for 78,000.

Koon asked if the all-in number was below 80,000 and once he heard that it was, called with Heart KHeart 10. Winter turned over Spade ASpade 8 and Koon preemptively said “Good game, Sean,” before the community cards were dealt.

The Heart 7Spade 6Spade 2Club 3Club K board rivered Koon a pair of kings. Winter is back for his second try and has 100,000 waiting for him.

Jason Koon – 520,000
Sean Winter – 100,000

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