Seth Davies Eliminated by Byron Kaverman; Davies Re-Enters

May 5, 2018

Seth Davies

Byron Kaverman raises to 7,000 from the hijack, and Seth Davies (pictured) calls from the big blind.

The flop comes down Spade 8Spade 6Club 4, Davies checks, Kaverman bets 7,500, Davies check-raises to 24,000, Kaverman reraises all in with a covering stack, and Davies calls all in for about 90,000.

Kaverman shows Spade KSpade 10, drawing against Davies’ Club AClub 8 for a pair of eights.

The Spade J turn givesKaverman a winning flush, rendering the Heart 2 river moot.

A few minutes later, Davies re-enters the tournament.

Byron Kaverman – 228,000
Seth Davies – 100,000

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