Seth Davies Eliminated by Sam Soverel

May 5, 2018

Table 22 claims another victim in Level 1 with Seth Davies on the sidelines for the foreseeable future.

Byron Kaverman opened the button to 3,000 and Davies jammed for 31,500 out of the small blind. Sam Soverel called in the big blind. Kaverman dumped his hand and Davies was at risk.

Soverel held the preflop edge with Club AClub 10 against the Heart 10Heart 9 of Davies and the Spade ADiamond QHeart 7Heart QClub 7 board cooperated.

Davies now decides if and when he will re-enter. Kristina Holst moved from Table 8 to balance and she is seated between Joseph Cheong and Tom Marchese.

Sam Soverel – 155,000
Seth Davies – Eliminated

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