Seth Davies Gets Massively Lucky To Eliminate Nick Schulman

May 5, 2018

Seth Davies has some traction on his second entry and Nick Schulman paid a dear price to hit the rail.

Schulman raised under the gun to 4,000 and Justin Young called in the hijack. Jason Koon called in the cutoff and Davies moved all-in for 101,500. Schulman called for a few thousand less and the two players behind him folded.

Davies trailed with Heart 10Club 10 against the Club ASpade A of Schulman. The Heart AClub JHeart 9 flop gave Schulman a set and left Davies in need of runners.

Davies found the first one on the Club 8 turn and climbed all the way back with a Spade Q on the river.

Schulman exited the tournament area and has not yet re-entered. Sam Soverel, Ben Yu, and Aaron Ogus have all been moved to keep up with the balance needed on Table 21.

Seth Davies – 235,000
Nick Schulman – Eliminated

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