Siamak Tooran Eliminated in 12th Place (€19,000)

Feb 22, 2020

Siamak Tooran

Hoang Pham opens the button to 80,000, Renato Nowak flats from the small blind, and Siamak Tooran moves all in for 490,000 out of the big blind. Pham elects to fold Spade AClub K but Nowak calls off with the Club AClub J. Tooran has only the Club QSpade 4, but both of his cards are live.

The board, however, runs out Heart 4Diamond 9Diamond AClub 10Club 3 and Tooran busts in 12th place for €19,000.

Renato Nowak – 2,500,000
Siamak Tooran – eliminated

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