Stefan Byrne Eliminated in 27th Place by Rainer Kempe

Oct 25, 2021

Stefan Byrne Eliminated by Rainer Kempe

Rainer Kempe raised from the cutoff to 525,000, Stefan Byrne moved all in from the button for 2.08 million, and Kempe called with Spade AHeart A.

Byrned turned over Diamond AHeart K, and needed to improve to stay alive.

The board came Diamond 10Diamond 7Spade 5Heart 9Diamond Q, and the pocket aces held up for Kempe to win the pot and eliminate Byrne in 27th place.

Rainer Kempe  –  9.11 million  (36 bb)
Stefan Byrne  –  Eliminated in 27th Place  ($5,381)

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