Stefano Moreale Wins WPTDeepStacks San Diego ($58,480) - Landen Lucas Eliminated in Second Place ($38,985)

Sep 9, 2019

Stefano Moreale

On the third hand of heads-up play, Landen Lucas (pictured below) raises to 150,000 preflop, and Stefano Moreale (pictured above) calls before the flop is dealt Diamond 7Spade 7Spade 5. Lucas bets 175,000, and Moreale check-raises to 375,000.

Lucas calls before the turn falls Club J. Moreale bets 775,000, Lucas raises all in, and Moreale calls to cover him. The two players then flip over their cards.

Moreale: Heart 7Diamond 6
Lucas: Spade ASpade J

River: Club K

Lucas is eliminated in second place, good for $38,985, and Moreale takes home the top prize $58,480 that includes a $3,000 championship prize package along with the WPTDeepStacks trophy.

Congratulations to our new WPTDeepStacks champion – Stefano Moreale!

Landen Lucas

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