Steve Buckner Comes From Behind to Bust Jason Duncan

May 13, 2024

Steve Buckner raises to 2,500 on the button, Jason Duncan moves all in for 11,300 in the small blind, and Buckner calls.

Jason Duncan: Club AHeart Q
Steve Buckner: Heart ASpade J

Buckner is dominated until the flop brings Spade 7Heart JClub 5 to give him top pair. The rest of the board comes Club 3Diamond A and Buckner improves to two pair to send Duncan to the rail.

“I don’t blame you. I didn’t have enough chips,” Duncan says as he wishes the table good luck.

“He beat my ace-king with a worse hand earlier, so I don’t feel too bad,” Buckner adds.

Steve Buckner- 60,000 (50 bb)
Jason Duncan- eliminated

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